Stanno giungendo da tutto il mondo le adesioni all’Appello che convoca a Roma, nei giorni 27-28 ottobre prossimi, la Conferenza Internazionale PER FERMARE LA TERZA GUERRA MONDIALE.
Segue l’elenco aggiornato al 7 agosto 2023
Se condividi l’Appello, firmalo tramite il format sul sito, e fa’ una donazione per aiutarci ad organizzare la conferenza.
ARGENTINA ►Tendencia Militante Bolchevique
AUSTRALIA ►Class Conscious
AUSTRIA ►Selbstbestimmtes Österreich ►Freie Linke ►Antiimperialistische Koordination ►Marxist-leninist Platform
BELARUS ► Belaya Rus
BELGIUM ►Zannekinbond
BRAZIL ►Liga Socialista ►Partido Comunista do Povo Brasileiro ►Liga Comunista
BULGARIA ►23 September Movement
EUROPE ►Stop Killing Donbass ►Antimperialist Camp
FRANCE ►Pardem
GEORGIA ►Socialist Movement of Georgia ►Unified Communist Party of Georgia
GERMANY ►Freie Linke Zukunft ►Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden ►Friedensglockengesellschaft Berlin e.V ►dieBasis Thüringen ►Handwerker für den Frieden ►Freie Linke Anarchisten ►Revolutionärer Freundschaftsbund (RFB) e.V ►Mothers Against War Berlin-Brandenburg ►Neue Richtung ►Arbeiterfotografie ► Friedensbrücke-Kriegsopferhilfe e.V.
GREAT BRITAIN ►Consistent Democrats ►International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity ►Socialist Fight
GREECE ►Platform of Indipendence ►Collective of Struggle for the Revolutionary Unification of Humanity
HUNGARY ►Hungarian Workers Party
INDIA ►National Democratic People’s Front (NDPF)
INTERNATIONAL ►International Youth Forum
IRAQ ►Kurdistan Communist party ►Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party
ITALY ►Fronte del Dissenso ►Ancora Italia ►3V ►Italia Unita ►MMT ►Partito dei CARC ►Liberiamo l’Italia ►Alternativa ►Associazione Veneto-Russia ►Coordinamento Giovani Contro la NATO ►No Paura Day ► Comitato Veneto-Russia ► Fronte per la Sovranità Popolare ► Terra e Liberazione
KAZAKHSTAN ►Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
KENYA ►Communist Party of Kenya
MOROCCO ►Moroccan Socialist Youth
PALESTINE ►Palestinian Popular Struggle Front
PHILIPPINES ►Socialista Philipinas
RUSSIA ►Unified Communist Party of Russia ►Association of Russian Veterans ►All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of Former Soviet Republics
SOUTH COREA ►Bolshevik Group
SPANISH STATE ►Socialismo XXI ►Nación Andaluza
TÜRKIYE ►Antimperialist Front
UKRAINE ►Borotba ►Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine
U.S.A. ►Workers World Party ►Socialist Unity Party ►US Friends of the Soviet People ►Party of Communists of U.S.A.
ZIMBABWE ►Movement for Pan African Socialists